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He has built himself a career spotting and scouting the future champions of our sport, representing a new generation of horses dealer. He learned his trade have worked with the most prestigious stables before establishing his own structure Milestone Farm in Holland. He brings to The Auction his sharp eye and experience to the selection committee of Experts for The Auction Act II.

The sport horses market has been growing for some time now. But The Auction project is innovative because we will offer for sale real performers who have results, titles and championships on their records. These high quality horses are never on offer in auction sales. Our goal is to finally give them the visibility they deserve.

The Auction experts are focused on the horses’ intrinsic quality to detect the performers that we will offer in December during the sale. Their results, as well as their entire history and their potential will also be valuable criteria that we have to consider. We do not want to propose horses which are limited to jump at intermediate level.

We want to establish a trustworthy relationship and total transparency with the buyers and sellers with terms and conditions that are the same than in race horses sales. The Auction does own the horses on sale but proposes the ideal platform to put the best offer in front of the best clients. The horses will be sold at its real value.

The fact that Arqana, the leading racing horses auction in France, supports the project is, in my opinion, a very positive thing. Our two different worlds, horse racing and equestrian sports, are absolutely not in competition and we can create a real synergy around horses. All horses owners need to be put into the spotlight in events like this one created by Christophe Ameeuw and his team.

I already took part of The Auction Act I by selecting all the embryos that were sold in Hong Kong last February. And I am sure the Parisian Act II will be an important moment for sport.