

31 July 2020
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The first connecting platform for the promotion, the sale and purchase of sport horses.

Why Horse-Pass©?

Christophe Ameeuw and the team of The Auction © pursue their ambition to modernize equestrian sports and wish to bring to the market the transparency, professionalism and globalization necessary for its development and long-term future (sustainability).  Inspired by the world of art and digital models in place in other sectors, Horse-Pass © is the first platform for the promotion, sale and purchase of sport horses in Europe and around the world.

"In this world of tomorrow, the equestrian industry is changing to respond to new behaviors.  Re-invention requires modernization, transparency and reliability of the process of selling and buying sport horses.  I really believe that this is the right time to launch the Horse-Pass© model".  Christophe Ameeuw, founder Horse-Pass©.



What is Horse-Pass©?

Horse-Pass© is the first connecting platform for the promotion of sport horses and putting buyers and sellers in direct contact with each other, offering :

  • The publishing on-line of a Horse-Pass© certified identity card which gathers all the data of origins, health, performances and videos of the horse.
  • A program of presentation and training events, on the most beautiful courses, to to showcase your horse and produce a professional digital promotional package.
  • Visibility and promotion reaching a global and targeted audience.
  • The possibility for your horse to be part of the selection for the next auction sales of The Auction©.


The Horse-Pass© model is based on a direct contact between buyers and sellers, without intermediaries and with no costs linked to the transaction.  The price to place an ad is 59 Euros per horse and 250 Euros for a Horse-Pass© Event registration.



Contact Anouk Blain-Mailhot

+33 6 88 14 15 47